Seven Ps Of PM

EP Editorial Staff | November 8, 1997

bob_baldwinOver the years I have collected scraps of information from articles, technical papers, conference sessions, and conversations in the maintenance community. On occasion those bits seem to form patterns such as the Seven Ps of PM.

Panic Maintenance: Maintenance performed to repair a failure; often called reactive maintenance after the panic subsides.

Preventive Maintenance: Maintenance performed according to a schedule designed to prevent failure.

Productive Maintenance: The Japanese version of preventive maintenance which includes life cycle cost management issues.

Predictive Maintenance: Mostly condition assessment with a potential for data-driven prognostication.

Planned Maintenance: A method for increasing maintenance efficiency and effectiveness by coordinating information, tools, and materials for maintenance work.

Proactive Maintenance: A comprehensive maintenance process in which work orders originate with maintenance rather than operations.

Professional Maintenance: Maintenance that integrates the PMs and other technologies and techniques into an effective and economical process for managing equipment assets.

Successful maintenance organizations do well with all the PMs. They also exhibit characteristics exemplified by seven pillars of maintenance excellence.

Paradigms: Constantly revise the model or paradigm of maintenance excellence to reflect value systems important to the enterprise and develop appropriate systems for measuring it.

People: Provide people with training and information to allow them to do their jobs more effectively and reward proactive performance.

Practices: Search out and employ best practices for managing machinery reliability and maintainability, information, and people.

Passion: Demonstrate enthusiastic belief in the maintenance mission and use principles of effective leadership.

Persuasion: Effectively communicate to all departments the positive relationship between reliability and maintainability objectives and enterprise objectives.

Perspective: View maintenance as a value-adding profit-center rather than a cost center or an end in itself.

Processes: View maintenance operations as a process, especially one that can be analyzed and continuously improved using the Deming (Shewhart) quality cycle of Plan, Do, Check, Act.

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