

EP Editorial Staff | May 13, 2009

Maintenance Technology is the premier source of capacity assurance information for manufacturing, process and service operations worldwide.

  • mt-covers-printMT targets the critical technical, business and professional development needs of engineers, managers and technicians who have specific interest in and/or responsibility for the availability, efficiency, safety and environmental integrity of countless plant systems.
  • MT editorial is derived from noted industry experts, end users and leading suppliers in the marketplace. It focuses on equipment reliability, maintenance management, proactive maintenance strategies and the information systems that support them.
  • MT’s goal is to help our reader leverage their precious time with state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies on the way to best practices across their operations.

Delivering a magazine is one thing, having it read is quite another. In 12 out of 13 independent readership surveys, Maintenance Technology was chosen by a 2:1 margin as the “Most Helpful” and “Most Preferred” magazine over other publications in the market.* More information on these readership surveys can be downloaded here. (PDF, 1.2 MB)

*Studies conducted by Matrix Research to attendees at leading industry conferences, meetings, expositions and user groups, NOT from the Maintenance Technology circulation database.

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