April Compressed Air Systems Maintenance

Overcoming Your Challenges: Training and Resources Designed With You In Mind

EP Editorial Staff | April 19, 2011

04cacCompressed air is one of the most important utility requirements of the typical industrial operation—and is commonly the most misunderstood system.

Optimization of compressed air systems is one of the keys to greater productivity, efficiency and profitability. The Compressed Air Challenge® (CAC) has developed a rich portfolio of useful compressed air-related information, resources, tools and training options, all available with a few clicks of your mouse.

What Is The Compressed Air Challenge
The CAC is a voluntary collaboration of industrial users, manufacturers and distributors (and their associations), consultants, state research and development agencies, energy-efficiency organizations and utilities working together to supply resources that educate industry about optimizing compressed air systems and thereby increasing net profits. Since 1999, the organization has trained more than 12,000 compressed air users.

This organization has one purpose in mind: to help you improve the performance and, thus, enjoy the benefits of your compressed air system(s). In the United States, these systems account for $5 billion per year in energy costs. Optimizing them can provide typical energy-efficiency improvements averaging between 20% and 50%—and as high as 80% in some cases.

Training Solves Problems & Saves Energy
To help users understand their system problems and what to do about them, the CAC has developed two levels of training for plant engineers: “Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems” and “Advanced Management of Compressed Air Systems.” In 2010, the organization launched Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems WE (Web-edition). To date, CAC has held five highly rated WE sessions with three more scheduled for 2011. The CAC Training Calendar provides links to online registration for all WE sessions, as well as other in-person sessions in various parts of the country.

Learn Best Practices Through These Key Information Resources
In 2009, the CAC released Best Practices for Compressed Air Systems Second Edition, an update of a highly successful 2003 manual for industry. This “best practices” resource was developed to provide readers with the tools necessary to reduce the operating costs associated with the use of compressed air and improve the reliability of the entire system. The comprehensive document addresses the improvement opportunities in all aspects of such a system, from end-use applications to the air entering the compressor inlet filter. It also contains invaluable “how to” information for implementing recommendations that will achieve peak performance and reliability of the system at the lowest operating cost. A free benefit for those attending our Fundamentals seminars, it’s available for purchase at the CAC Bookstore.

Additionally, the CAC’s online library is home to a wealth of free, downloadable resources, including fact sheets, tip sheets, case studies and articles on a variety of compressed air topics. Don’t hesitate to access them—and use them—in dealing with your compressed air challenges. MT

The Compressed Air Challenge® is a partner of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Technology programs. To learn more about its many offerings, log on to www.compressedairchallenge.org, or email: info@compressedairchallenge.org.



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