LMT Products

Compression Packing Technical Manual 3rd Edition

EP Editorial Staff | June 21, 2010

MANUAL-CoverAvailable in both a printed version and on a CD, is the latest technical publication from the Fluid Sealing Association (FSA). In its 3rd printing, this popular manual offers a highly practical set of guidelines for the use of compression packings to control fluid loss in mechanical, fluid-handling equipment.

Most of us are unaware of the existence or importance of compression packing until we experience our first catastrophic fluid-loss event. Before this type of problem occurs on your watch, I strongly recommend that you invest in—and read—this easy-to-digest manual on the subject. The book is well organized, with “chunked” information and substantial white space that will allow note takers to clearly write their observations and thoughts in the margins. It’s also well illustrated through a wealth of colorful graphics, including photographs, charts and tables, that make the text come alive.

For the not-so-well-versed in fluid mechanics, The Compression Packing Technical Manual starts off by defining just what compression packing is, how it is used and how it works. It goes on to explain the types of packing construction, manufacturing methods and materials, as well as lubricants for ensuring long life. The manual then explores, in more detail, the application recommendations and installation and adjustment instructions for multiple packing uses. The addition of a technical engineering-reference section, a standards-and-legislation section directed at more specialized needs of the reader/user and an excellent glossary of terms make this a top-notch manual for both novice and expert maintainers and engineering libraries. MT

Audience: Direct – Millwrights, Mechanics, Plumbers, Reliability Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Maintenance Planners, Maintenance Supervision and Management; All maintenance personnel
interested in understanding and reporting on equipment failure

Classification: Practical

Author: Fluid Sealing Association (FSA) and European Sealing Association (ESA)

Publisher: FSA and ESA

Internet: www.fluidsealing.com

ISBN Number: 1-89296502204

Non-Member Prices: $40.00 Print Version, $25.00 CD

Year: 2008

Index: Yes

Bibliography: No, but includes a reference section


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